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ZEISS Ocular Imaging


Imaging Competition

The Philippines Story Behind Every Capture 

September 2023

ZEISS CLARUS Imaging Competition aims to spotlight unique diagnostic fundus imaging cases that offer significant insights into the diagnosis of retinal pathologies.

Thanks to the advancements in imaging technology, we can now capture a broader view of the retina, unraveling hidden details and uncovering new medical insights. 

As the adoption of cutting-edge Ultra Widefield Fundus Imaging technology in eye centers across the Philippines continues to grow, we like to extend our commendation to the dedicated professionals who wholeheartedly embrace this technology to improve the well-being and eye health of their patients.

Out of more than 60 impressive submissions, we proudly featured the top 9 highest-scoring images at the Zeiss Booth during the AOS & PAO Congress 2023 in Manila.

Many enthusiasts participated in voting for their favorite images, and it is with great pleasure that we announce the winners of the "BEST IMAGE" and "MOST POPULAR IMAGE" awards!

Top 9 Images

Voting took place at AOS & PAO Congress 2023 in Manila

We garnered a total of 125 votes! One Voter's Comment: "All the images are so captivating, tough time choosing my favorites…"

Dr Sherman Valero sharing his experience on this judging process and ready to announce the winners! 

Most Popular Award Winner

Congratulations to Cypress Rose Anas from The Medical City for winning the most popular award! You have won the hearts <3 <3 <3 of our voters!

Best Image Award Winner

Congratulations to Mary Joy Luna from The Medical City for winning the “BEST IMAGE” award. Joy has started using Clarus Ultra Widefield Fundus Camera for just over 3 months and she masters the handling of Clarus within a few days!

Winners with their application trainers, EJ & Gerene!

As the adoption of cutting-edge Ultra Widefield Fundus Imaging technology in eye centers across the Philippines continues to grow, we like to extend our commendation to the dedicated professionals who wholeheartedly embrace this technology to improve the well-being and eye health of their patients.

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